Thursday, February 11, 2010

UGHHH. sickened thirst sickened thirst! I am continuing my raw-ish streak. will do well to pass by nuts from now on and glare at them with disdain.( those pricks aren't even raw, they're steamed to get out of the shell, I couldn't resist though, brazil nuts tickle my sternum) They make me queasy, but I might have had a MEGAsupercabra overload of fat in the previous episode of uncontrollable and ravenous hunger. I had such an intense craving for fat; I had only consumed the fruit portion today and I wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth into those creamy avocados. If only you were ripe, I would have avoided all of this. I will you to ripen, I WILL YOU. If only I had the power to manipulate ethelyne gas. I was on a high, feeling groovy except for the gnawing hunger. The nuts did not satiate :@ Would rather take the empty, bottomless stomach than this...napping off... had but 4 winks of sleep (1 wink = 1 hour) due to anatomy dedication (the class, not with a person :P) I much prefer the no nuts approach to raw foodism, why didn't I pick you hemp seeds, why weren't you organiccccc?!!!

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