Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The return of the 'Fu

Now that you have all seen just how aesthetically appealing my own cat is, I'm sure there is curiosity to the kinds of food I prepare! Warning: do not read before you have eaten! Your stomach will revolt against you.
I have stored up many steamy sessions of the photoshoots I have with my dishes, so I am unfortunately indecisive about what to present! Let's go with a tasty little number we all must have a rendition of : The Tofu Scramble! *mmmhhh what ya sayyy, you tasted so swellll* It's my favorite stereotypical breakfast item that I never eat for breakfast(I have an intense adoration for eating breakfast for dinner!):

This was actually the one time I decided to forgo my morning nap between lethal 8am Organic Chem. and 10 am Spanish. Arriba! Most of my dishes are pretty quick because during the school year I am a busy little aye aye and hardly have time to spend creating a 7-course meal! but I can assure you flavor patrol that none of the flavor is missing. ;-) I use a succulent tofu purchased from the Honest Weight Food Co-op available in those large watery vessels. I absolutely abhor those ascetic packaged boxes of the 'Fu. They are a travesty to soybean kind! Something I was forced to comply with in the beginning of the year and am a strong opposor of. Trust me, we're food friends, don't go to the dark side of plastic boxes and square tofu *tears*.
I caramelized some red onions first, and then crumbled this white sponge in it until it browned a bit. Add Some 'shrooms, not the kind bought off of your local cow patties though! Then I added several herbs and spices to take it to a higher level. I also used organic sweet potatoes, or yams, or whatever the difference between the two is?! ( tried researching the two but they are still rather confuddling) Whatever the nomer, the starch family is welcomed in my palate. I parboiled them and then fried them up until they got irresistibly sweet and had a nice crispy outside. I added several cloves of garlic about one minute before turning it off, for my favorite zing! The thing about me is that I do not measure things, so I can only offer the ingredients and preparation methods involved! I believe that only you know what you truly enjoy, so let your tongue, hands, and nose do all the work! Let yourself feel the flavors, dahling, even those with bad sense of direction will be able to figure this out!
So here is what I used:
Tofu, Sweet Potatoes(or possibly yams), Mushrooms, Red Onions, Garlic, Thyme, Cilantro, Basil, Oregano, Sea Salt,White Pepper, and Turmeric!
Don't be intimidated by the amount of herbs, they all contribute and enhance the dish, and weren't just in there because I knocked over my spice rack... :}
Transform away!

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