Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wacky Willie Wednesday

Every Wednesday, Willie will inquire something of me, and I shall respond to the best of my ability. It is just another interesting edition to my posts that I would like to include to shake things up a bit from their already abnormal routines! I guess she just wants me to hop on Gilbert(my laptop!) the first thing I do when I wake up, can you blame the technologically aware?

Her first ever suggestion is: What is the first thing I think of when I wake up: Hitting the snoozeberries until I can answer that! Sleep:acquired, perhaps more than I would have liked, but I suppose it is to pay off my hefty sleep debt that I built up in college(but I was getting used to 5 hours of sleep, now I'm at a gluttonous 10 which is positively unhealthy!). Why exactly do I want to wake up earlier then One post meridian is beyond me, but it seems more professional not to snooze in, I also feel as if I lose more time to do completely nothing and I prefer to get a head start on that! :P.

Arriba, The first thing I thought was ~Merlin's Beard~ it's one pm! Except it was a little more of the latin derived vulgarity that I would hate to slander across my precious food blog. Then I explored my previous dreamscape that I was somewhat of a prisoner of! I was taking some kind of wickedly long test and only after I chased a school bus for my backpack did I wake up. Also I do remember one shinning quote from yours truly "How can they expect us to run when there is peanut butter (gushing between my teeth), it sloooooowwwss you down" And then I proceded to sloooowwwmoooo. you see mother, this is what you get when you play mad scientist with my REM cycle! (don't let Kleitman and Aserinsky find out or they'll study me! :P) It is a result, dear children, of me being thrusted from my comfortable zone at 7 am in the morning to transport myself to another location for further eyelids combat.

So willa, I'm not exactly sure what I thought about, besides dangnabbit, did I have to turn off all three of my alarms? At seven am I am more of a "philosophical sleeper" all these intricate thoughts rushed into me and kept me awake for minutes and I had missed my inbetween dose-off point, alas it was inevitable that they are beyond my neurons now! Tell me about your inane musings of the morning!

1 comment:

  1. It wouldn't let me comment! I shall try again. I find your dreams intriguing. What could they mean? Do you have a long supressed fear of peanut butter?? Interesting, interesting.
    I myself simply woke up worried I'd overslept, and proceeded to fall back asleep and dream that I was late for the gig I played this morning. Your dreams are much less shallow I would say. And provide more *food* for thought ;-)
