Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stop. Mehndi-Tiiii-iii-iiii--meeee. There ain't nothing like a good ole fashioned henna, and lately I've been on a spree. I've been doing my hands deep in eucalyptus leaves henna-ing everyone and their mother. And as it turns out my own mother yesterday! I think the skin is such a beautiful canvas to unleash such creativity on, a natural form of art with the usage of leaves to dye the skin, my kind of style! It is not permanent so I will hardly have a regret, although will sulk and lament if the design doesn't turn out well while I
only free hand it to my content. Plus I can always have a new design, unique as I will never be able to copy any of the free hand I do, and I love it that way! I have a sort of an addiction though. It's like seeing others yawn and mimicking it. Because every time I henna someone, I feel compelled to add a piece on myself! AGH so now I have the terrible burden of the fading and the nubile on my arm because I was too impatient and couldn't wait several days until it all disappeared. I tried convincing myself it is some wicked cool shadowing technique, but that is just full of fail! And normally I am so good at the powers of persuasion, alas!

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