Saturday, February 6, 2010

patience ebbing

I am inclined to speak of what vexes me with every somatic muscle in my body. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean that you have to be fond of ALL vegetable kind. I do have a sort of vegetable-philia and can easily down servings of vegetables as if they were the typical college student's shots. ( I don't imbibe anything but water, there is nothing more inane than partaking in deleterious activities). None of you jamokes better retort with " well, what do you think a raw food diet is" Hush. It's like I'm expected to worship the stalks, leaves, and seeds of every vegetable out there. Such a violation would be outright blasphemy of the sacred vegetable tenets that every vegan aspires to live by. God forbid you don't like to eat salads. Imagine a conversation such as: "hey, we're going out to *fill in the blank with the most carnivorous restaurant in town*, but I'm sure they have a salad you could eat." " wow, is that an invitation or an indication of your nonchalant complacency towards my diet" "oh come on, you eat salads don't you, don't you love them(says it in a manner as if someone were waving a doggie biscuit infront of a dog" "no you abject imbecile, salads are our last resort to eating when we are the guests of morons who show a complete lack of concern." " *ignoring the insult, wait... you don'! what kind of veg*an are you?! * goes off to compare you to a tyrannical dictator who has murdered millions of people and was rumored to be vegetarian* kinda like " oh, well hitler was a vegetarian, i bet he didn't like salads either, and look at what he did..."

Actually, many omnivores show in regards to themselves; how many people think twice about suggesting a steakhouse when they have a veg*an company? How many of them want to tear their keratinaized hair follicles out and rip their sweat shop child labor produced clothes off at the thought of eating at a veg*an restaurant??! and yet they make the veg*ans feel compelled to agree to their choice out of guilt that veg*ans are so veg*an centric and demand a veg*an only place.(while going to a vegan restaurant with omnis may just be a pipe-dream, at least choose a veg*an friendly place!) This formula is the perfect equation for destruction when you are stuck with ignorant, non-progressive, narrow minded pillocks. I unfortunately used to socialize with the types of dolts I previously described. They certainly enjoyed tormenting me, especially when they invited me to a restaurant I couldn't eat at(never mind the fact that it was a disgusting chain that has ersatz food as its specialty) and then be perfectly content with the fact that I had to then watch them all eat and go hungry. The sadists. They would offer me their decaying, flaccid, microwaved vegetables on occasion. YAH Right. Thinking I would forage off of scrap display parsley and water ( and then "brilliantly" quipping " oh, is water vegan, like LOLZ I am so fucking funny.") Or masticating the grisly flesh and commenting on the flavor of animal abuse but then accuse you of burning your judgmental gaze into them. They must really fear those who live counterculture, iconoclastic lifestyles. The ones who defy and challenge conventional normalcy and have no apprehension about flirting with the atypical. Their reactions are merely guilt-induced by an opposing viewpoint that they realize is morally superior. (that sounds elitist, but I don't give a tofurkey, it is morally superior to regard animals as fellow inhabitants of the earth that we must coexist with and not exploit, torture, or murder. It is morally superior to transcend the predominant widespread misbeliefs and enlighten and rectify oneself into becoming conscious of the outer world's afflictions. It is morally superior to not eat our fellow sentient beings and to not wreak havoc and take advantage of the natural order. (of course I suppose this castigation is more geared towards the western world. it's easy to declare such a blatant sentiment when regarding the western world, for third world ideologies ethics are a bit more nebulous. The suffering of the people and animals is undeniably unequivocal.) But for those that relish and revel in the modern world, there is a duty to emancipate and unfetter those unfortunate enslaved brethren and sisteren. Are we a species that has evolved devoid of ethics, or has such commonplace convenience nurtured ignorance?! How any one can look in the eyes of a bleating cow and abstractly view her flesh as a lump of sanguine meat and accept it as dinner and not murder is beyond me??! The world has really desensitized itself to the inhumanity rapidly consuming us.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you’ve had a rough day/week.

    I read through all of your newest posts. Your writing (stream of conscious, etc) style reminds me of myself at your stage in life. There’s so much that you are not in control of, while having or trying to be in control of so much. Frustration is easily found. It makes me smile in a bittersweet way since I know the emotions you feel, but sad because they're really no fun to experience.

    I don’t really have a point here, other than saying “I’m not perfect” is a gross understatement, but there are times I try to be the person I want to be. All I can tell you is that you’ve always got a spot at my dinner table. Making dinner’s always a learning experience for me, so we’ll see what we can come up with.

    Oh yeah, and I love ya.

    (ps - you can delete this if you want. I realize it may sound a little personal)
