Saturday, August 1, 2009

tTangled Webs

Today should have been gorgeous out. The fair weather and sunshine, warm happiness to melt a solid heart. I attempted to take part in what I thought was a day off from debbie downer controlling the sky. First off I had a pretty good time. Even though I went over budget (but only around 7$) I was able to procure my much sought after organic barbeque sauce. Oo child, this was a trip to flavor country! I managed to knock back around half a bottle. I wanted to smother it on everything! I knew I had gone too far when my hand had to be swat away from the rice cakes bag. But you really never know unless you try, mom! It's staring at me now, with a burning gaze, weakening my barricade and softening me up as if I were a jar of coconut oil. If I resist too long, I might end up guzzling it in a fit of passionate rage and lack of will power! I fried up some tofu, and oddly enough paired it with dry stir fried baby bok choy and mushrooms. Then I tried it with fried sweet potatoes. I pretty much could care less what it was on, I could practically bath in it's ethereal scent.

Then dun dun dun. I decided to step outside. You know, like someone who pretends to enjoy nature. I don't know if it was the sauce or what, but those mosquito had a feast on me! Why is my flesh so tender and inviting?! You think the paleness would make them turn away from me in search of a nice tanned body Perhaps they can at least taste that i don't have an iron deficiency? haha. I am faint from getting the blood sucked out of me. I'd over estimate and exaggerate a pint! At least 10 bites, I don't know if she kept coming back for more since I was sooo delicious or if she brought the whole family with her!(because we all know that only females are the ones who suck blood, thata girl ;-) I really wish I had captured one while you could see the blood in her stomach. I even considered to be the bait, but none would take the bite in a region visible to me! ouch. Next I was letting Lexington roam around the domain. All of a sudden he has disappeared into a bush (thank goodness for his vivid locks of swirled fire and smoke!) Only as I was getting him, I was snagged on a bush of burrs. yeah who knew they existed around my house. AT that very location. So I ended up getting tangled in it. My camera strap, my hair. I had to rip the plant out of its roots to free myself! Lesson learnt, these midnight locks are to be kept out of the shrubbery!

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