Wednesday, July 29, 2009

rain rain rain( or another post showing the ways I abuse the supemacro setting and am shamelessly plugging my photos)

I don't mean to ask you to stop, but can you not take a brief respite for more than 3 days at a time? Your thoughts of rain drops backfire, splitter splatter like grease flinging up in the air, burning and stinging. Your wet drops do nothing to impair me, but you give me inspiration!
Enjoy the gems! Rest in peace my favorite bush *snickers because I AM immature* You left me so suddenly at the hands of my own flesh and blood. Please thrive into the tangled webs of delicate beauty that I hopelessly aspire to capture in angst! Oh yeah, and the last one is this wicked cool puddle reflection because I have such a sweet spot for them in my ventricles. I have TONS more but I can't even choose what else besides this :P even though differ in ways I cannot even detect (well that is exaggerating a bit too much, after all we can easily recognize people because we are able to differentiate all the spatial differences between the facial cues)

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