Friday, July 31, 2009

It don't matter if it's black or white!

Actually, I'd prefer both. So it was raining again today. What is this, am I actually just reliving the same day over and over again? I decided to once again try to capture the beauty within the eye of the storm. Now you might be sick of droplets on leaves, it is probably pretty banal now. in fact, I am almost so bored I want to rebel in a fit of destruction and knock every ounce of water clinging to these leaves into the ground. But I feel compelled. To shoot them at every angle, color, and go mad scientist by abusing supermacro all the time. I might need intervention. This is only a desperate plea for the sun to last longer than a day (and I miss most of that because I sleep in ). (if anyone is need of participants in a study of taking too many black and white photos, I won't be ashamed if you ask me to volunteer:P)

Food! I haven't showcased many of these delectable delights lately, don't look on an empty stomach ;-) I have totally lost my appetite for the past two weeks. It bites, but not literally because I am either not hungry or don't crave anything I have at the house. Have I over done the stir fries and noodle dishes?! Alas, in dedication to you, foods :

p.s. Someone tell me why I don't have an actual file for all things food related? They are scattered about in my million other folders D:

Mmm everyone has an infamous tofu scramble, mine has a bit of a twist with some tumeric included, topped over caramlized sweet potatoes. MMM!

Baked Tofu! My darling how I swim the ocean to get to you, safely in my mouth ;-)!

Soup a doup! A lovely Mushroom soup, though you cannot see any of them :P

Mmm chocolate pudding, topped in an attempted whip fluff of coconut milk!

Hummus! I added paprika and chili pepper. Ohh child! And about 5 cloves of garlic, I was perspiring it for days!

A lovely potato lasagne!

When I went through my spring roll phase!

ahh my comfort meal before I went gluten free. That lovely chickpea patty, I'm salivating! I also have to find a new comfort dish, any suggestions?

Willa knows what these will do to a person. they'll make someone a mere mortal after a bite of these orgasmic coconut concotions!

The next two are a memory of my italian baked pasta addiction. I used some vegan cheese on it. I try to stay away from the processed muck, but my mom bought me some, so I forced myself to use it some way ;-) I made the tomato sauce myself, very arduous process, especially when you have to wait an hour for it to bake!

Another stir fry, tried a new sauce this time with Tamari, Toasted Sesame Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chili Pepper, Brown Sugar, and Scallions!

In a spot of rare dry weather I was able to observe life amongst my own habitat! Here are some of the species I was able to capture :P

Looks like a swan or crane about to sip the water out of the rain drop!

I was able to meet one of the beetles! okay if this isn't a beetle the joke's infrastructure has just collapsed :(

This beautiful creation! collecting the droplets as if they were suspended particles! Would be the most breathtaking garment if someone could spin it into thread!

this little gal's masterpiece! she must be superfecund because their were a ton of them on the bush when I took her picture, then I slowly and quietly sprinted away :P

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

summer lovin'(what I've somehow managed to occupy myself with this vacation!)

It's 1 am. again. I am all too acquainted with this time period and we are always wide awake when rendevous. Sadly after dancing and pretending I belong in the Red Square with my attempts at "what i would be like at ballet if I had not quit it in the 2nd grade" I have only been more energized and slightly more damp with sweat around the epidermal unit. I take lots of photos, I ambush innocent wild life and demand their souls by capturing only a fraction of their beauty. So here is my photos post. I should have more of these come to think of it.
sometimes you just want people to appreciate art without having to explain it! as the buckmeister said it best!

It's in your heart
It's in your art, your beauty
Even in this world of lies
There's purity

Dande-whatsits! I was a major offender of spreading these seeds around like a communicable! Dandelions are also edible, but how many of us have been brave enough to make a dish out of the ones on our front yard!Might not look familar unless you are a badass like willa and me. Because this was a taken from the rooftops, say what?! Yeah we totally picked the lock, it's amazing what willa can do with a bobby pin ;-) well willa can do a lot of things, but this door needed no finagling, we just walked right on it(luckily we walked right out too :p)!

Here's my baby. Who wouldn't want to see this dashing puss? Only a dick would deny themselves of this breathtaking boy wonder. he was caught mid lick. I wish cats weren't already covered in hair, because I think he would look awesome with a cat beard, maybe a fu manchu? ;-)

here is another one because like me you cannot get enough. In fact before I go overload I will give him a seperate post. In the meantime, here he is, meancing! HE doesn't normally look that scary, only when he threatens me and verbally assaults me when I don't feed him fast enough.

and to be fair, here's buddy! Or peanut buddy as I do like to refer to him as ^.^ Though I think it's clear where my favoritism lies in ;-) he's not chained up or anything, he's got quite the fierce reputation in the neighborhood so i must keep him close! Here he is playing the opposite of :fetch:

Wow I am entranced by this one, sure it's blurry, at least I admitted it. But it's still captivating. All the sunlight, and the fact that you can pretty much see the lenses because of the sunlight reflection upon it makes it look as if I pictured it through a glass pane!

I picked this one day on a nice walk with Buddy. The colours changed as it dried and it is mesmerizing!
I got these for the holidays. They are from India! They are little puppets that somehow do not resemble any sort of puppetry I am capable of ? At least they are together!

I went to grafton lake for the first time evah. and then some! Not that I am addicted to beaches? Dirty water and ruining my pristine paleness, where is the win? Anyway the boats at the dock were not used by us, but they were so darn photogenic I think they only emphasize the beauty of it!

]I think I might try to compose this in a more sensical manner. Perhaps I will time line my adventures! to be continued!~

rain rain rain( or another post showing the ways I abuse the supemacro setting and am shamelessly plugging my photos)

I don't mean to ask you to stop, but can you not take a brief respite for more than 3 days at a time? Your thoughts of rain drops backfire, splitter splatter like grease flinging up in the air, burning and stinging. Your wet drops do nothing to impair me, but you give me inspiration!
Enjoy the gems! Rest in peace my favorite bush *snickers because I AM immature* You left me so suddenly at the hands of my own flesh and blood. Please thrive into the tangled webs of delicate beauty that I hopelessly aspire to capture in angst! Oh yeah, and the last one is this wicked cool puddle reflection because I have such a sweet spot for them in my ventricles. I have TONS more but I can't even choose what else besides this :P even though differ in ways I cannot even detect (well that is exaggerating a bit too much, after all we can easily recognize people because we are able to differentiate all the spatial differences between the facial cues)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Look familiar? Probably not because you didn't get a chance to nibble even a mouse's serving before it was devoured. Well there are many factors to explain. My friend and I made this cookie for my sistah's birthday. And we pretty much ate it as soon as we gave it to her ( there was all the willpower in the world not to surprise her with a cookie missing a slice) This is the only picture of it, I'm surprised such a thing could be captured, but only a fragment of its glimmering beauty.
It's a giant cookie, 'nuff said. bigger than my head, which is BIG. I have a head so big that no piece of paper was ever large enough to capture it D:. Alas, I used an oatmeal flour. just grind oats up like your skanky arse would on the dance floor. Just kidding I know you are all classy gals. Just use any vegan cookie recipe. and make it big. Also takes less time to cook which means less time until cookie reaches the mouth which means going big is hitting the home run! Dump in some of those sweet ghirardelli semi sweet chocolate chips because those precious things are actually Vegan! And apparently dogs enjoy them too, or at least ask the thief who munched them all. Buddy.

gettin' baked

Every now and then I get a little bit hungry, turn it brown, drizzle that nice tofu with a glaze of tamari soak it up and you won't be sorry! Turn it brooowwwn. Alright, sung, hummed or delusionally composed in the tune of Total Eclipse of the Heart. So some people realize my affinity for all things dessicated. Mangoes especially being the lamb to my slaughter, errmm Bell Pepper to my slaughter. Much better and a more deserving item of such fate! I like my tofu as I like my men, oh scratch that, there is nothing comparable between the two because I don't like my tofu aged or lanky, but I sure like it saucier than a tureen of mushroom gravy ;-).

Before I lose the plot, and continue to digress in areas that I should not elaborate in I will dazzle you with my latest creations. They take longer than it does my brother to get baked. ohoho, I popped these vessels of scrumdiddlyuptiousness in the oven for near 45 minutes, taking them out every ten and flipping them over and saucing them with my wand(which were apple cider vinegar, tamari sauce, water, chili powder, and toasted sesame oil). Mid way I started the bubbling and brewing of the cauldron, err pot with one handle, and put those delightful gluten-free rotelles to cook. I started to wok and roll by stir frying one of the gazillion zucchinis I am in possession of and then added some 'shrooms, baby bok choy (I'm not a veggie pedo!), and fresh garlic. Zing, I could have eaten five bowlfuls, oh wait, I did! ( but yo, that bowl is about the size of a GMO potato)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Zucchini bikini

Ladies and Gents I got much ado about somethings! This summer has been superfantastich and positively experimental ;-) I'm jolted off my rocker that I went to farm today to pick my own, an inspiration to maybe start growing my own too. I would never return to the farm in question. It was 30 minutes away. The staff was a bit unsocial and less helpful than a wall, and the place was as confusing and aggravating as a bell pepper in a chocolate bar(talk about crisis!) Hmph. There were many pick-your-own selections. I did grab some blueberries while I was furiously stomping around in search for something, they were pretty much the only things that were bountiful and easy to find. Maybe we got there too late in the season. The raspberry bushes were covered with beetles and filled with milkweed! (and they were supposed to be the stars of our show but were practically nonexistent!) There were no markers to label ANYTHING. We just got a map that was as helpful as a box of rabbit pellets on a deserted island! We found things by walking around aimlessly, and I am horrible at directions so imagine not even having directions! I am excited that for the first time in my life I got to try Fresh Garlic though! Woo wee child baby, I could make love to that all night underneath the moonlight! It was so crisp and mild, compared to the cured alternatives! I got two bulbs, but they were 2$ a head! Blimey, right a hefty sum, but nothing too outrageous for my precious tastebuds! We got about 6lbs of zucchini, and three onions, fresh from the stalks. The cherries were so high up in their trees, I am no gorilla and hardly mustered any effort to scale up the tree. We failed to obtain anything worth devouring!
The Zucchinis are coming out all over the place(luckily not out of my mouth though)! The first thing I did was fry them, how naughty. But you can't enjoy a vegetable unless you've done the most sinfully delicious thing to it! I mixed some cornstarch(which I am almost out of because like a toddler or perhaps a supergenius, I am amused for hours by it when it is mixed with water) some paprika, pepper, portughese salt, and dried basil (yeah that did nothing *smacks head as to why I added it* experimenting remember!)
MMM. Splish Splash I was taking a batter bath. I dipped those bad boys in water and batter three times in a row. OOO They had such a nice crunchy outer layer and then a soft gooey center. It was like a grilled soycheese sandwhich! Then I mixed some tamari, apple cider vinegar, and added that sassy fresh garlic as a dip and was in salivating heaven! I almost needed my own room with them ;-) I've got about 10 zuchs left, any recommendations of what to do with them, except the obvious, willa? ;-)

The teardrops of the clouds

All this rain! One gets sick of frolicking, because after a while you run out of dry shirts to put on(plus my lack of laundry duty this summer) ! Though I know most of you readers wouldn't pass the opportunity to go shirtless when the situation calls for it...or not ;-) But while being cooped up indoors and working on the striking paleness I achieve with ease, there is the insuperable beauty that comes with the rain!
My favorite hobby is photographing the droplets! In the shimmering light they appear to be clear gems. They are entrancing and the epitome of nature's gifts! I wish I could preserve them, but such things are not meant to be held in captivity! :P They are just so striking! I could get lost in them and for a moment in time believe I could be as glimmering as them.

So fragile and delicate, many times have I been unfortunate enough to disturb their carefully kissed leaves and caused the droplets to run. My clumsy shovel paws wrecked havoc on several innocent bushes. *snickers*
So next time you're sulking about the doom and gloom rain, look for these beacons of beauty and smile at the wonders of life! Appreciate every darn minute of the cycles of earth!

And to add an extra lovely shot! my favorite little guy to roam around with whilst searching for these treasures! The cutest kitty munching the freshly watered grass!
I've got way more pictures but I don't want to exploit the raindrops :P If you want to see more ask! they are the bigger versions;-)